
Nalezeno "UC Berkeley": 13

UP Alliance Members to Lock Mega-Utility Tokens for a Year

Universal Protocol Token is a mega-utility token offering attractive interest rates when lending and borrowing, lower exchange fees, cashback and discounts on trading. The large holders of UPT in the UP Alliance have gotten together and committed to lock their tokens and not sell any UPT for...

Cred Merchant Solutions to Help Unbanked Business Sectors

Cred Merchant Solutions has been unveiled in Emeryville during San Francisco Blockchain Week in an event hosting several California elected officials. The new point-of-sale system will help unbanked business sectors, such as California’s cannabis industry, accept crypto payments from...

California City Official Uses Bitcoin Cash to Purchase Cannabis

In California, cryptocurrency payments are making headway in the cannabis industry as Berkeley City Councilmember Ben Bartlett became the first elected official to purchase cannabis using a digital asset. On Tuesday, Bartlett utilized bitcoin cash (BCH) and Cred’s LBA token to facilitate...

Pokud se nevzděláváte v big data a umělé inteligenci, ujíždí vám vlak/robot

Na konci dubna uspořádala pražská VŠE Data X Festival. Dvoudenní workshopy a přednášky přinesly (nejen studentům) mnoho cenných informací. Váženými hosty a spíkry byli profesoři z kalifornské univerzity v Berkeley. Festival byl určen zájemcům o problematiku dat a všeho, co s nimi souvisí… Řešilo...

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